Microvascular Reviews and Communications



「Microvascular Reviews and Communications(MVRC)」休刊のご連絡

秋冷の候、ますます御健勝のこととお慶び申し上げます。平素は格別の ご高配を賜り、厚く御礼申し上げます。

「MVRC」は2007年に創刊し、多くの皆様にご愛読いただき今日まで 歩んで参りましたが、本年9月をもちまして休刊する運びとなりました。

ヨーロッパ微小循環学会のmicrocirculation誌が日本微小循環学会の official journal後継誌となる予定です。


2014年9月 MVRC 編集委員会

Aims and Scopes

The Microvascular Reviews and Communications (MVRC) is an international forum for researchers in both basic and clinical medicine to present and discuss new research on the microcirculation in the whole organs in the human bodies including vascular and microvascular biology, physiology and pathophysiology. The scope of the journal covers a broad spectrum of vascular and lymphatic research, including vascular structure, vascular function, hemodynamics, mechanics, cell signaling, intercellular communication, growth and differentiation. Multimedia offerings of images and movies are one of the characteristics of this journal. Manuscript processing times are kept as short as possible due to electronic submission. All articles are published online ensuring rapid publication. The 'Microvascular Reviews and Communications' is the official journal of the Japanese Society for Microcirculation.

Instructions to Authors

Online Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts should be submitted online via MVRC’s online submission and peer review website (known as ScholarOne Manuscripts) at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ mvrc
• Simply log on to ScholarOne Manuscripts and follow the onscreen instructions for all submissions (you will need to register before your first submission to MVRC)
• If you have any technical problems or questions related to the electronic submission process or uploading your files, please contact our Support Desk. For other inquiries, please contact our Editorial Office.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to revise the manuscripts when required. MVRC owns all copyright to any work published in the Journal. Authors should not use or authorize the use of the works without written consent of MVRC.
Conflict of Interest/Financial Disclosure Statement
Authors should disclose in the online submission system any commercial affiliation or consultancy that could be construed as a conflict of interest with respect to the submitted data.
Form of Manuscripts
Manuscripts should follow the usual layout for scientific papers and be as brief as full documentation allows (rarely exceeding 10 printed pages).
1. Title Page
The title page should bear the title of the paper and the name(s) of the author(s), together with the address(es) at which the work was carried out. The name, full postal address, and e-mail address of the corresponding author who will be responsible for reading the proofs should be given on the first page. A running title must also be provided (not exceeding 50 characters including spaces).
2. Abstract
An abstract should be no longer than 200 words with a single paragraph.
3. Keywords
Up to five keywords identifying the nature of the subject matter may be used to alert readers. Keywords should be listed below the abstract. Use terms from the medical subject headings list of Index Medicus.
4. References
References should be numbered consecutively in the order of citation in the text. Abbreviations for titles of medical periodicals should conform to those in the latest edition on Index Medicus. In the reference list, give the names of all authors when there are six or fewer; when seven or more, list the first six followed by et al. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references.
(1) Periodicals:
1) Seylaz J, Charbonne R, Nanri K, Von Euw D, Borredon J, Kacem K, et al. Dynamic in vivo measurement of erythrocyte velocity and flow in capillaries and of microvessel diameter in the rat brain by confocal laser microscopy. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 1999; 19: 863- 870.
2) Pangratis N. Diagnostic investigation using vital capillary microscopy and dynamic capillaroscopy. Clin Hemorheol Microcirc. 1997: 17: 371-383.
(2) Books:
1) Schwartz M, Billoski T. Greenhouse hypothesis: effect on dinosaur extinction. In: Jones BT LN, editor. Extinction. New York: Barnes and Ellis; 1990. p. 175-189.

Submission Check List

Submission Check List(499KB)

Support Desk

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ScholarOne, Inc. Thomson Reuters
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The MVRC Editorial Office
c/o International Medical Information Center,
5F Shinanomachi Rengakan, 35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0016,JAPAN
Phone: +81-3-5361-7089
Open weekdays from 9:00 A.M.-11:30/12:30 P.M.-5:00 P.M.
E-mail : mvrc_ed@imic.or.jp
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FAX:03-3475-5619  E-mail:info@jaacc.jp
直接、The MVRC Editorial Office へお問い合わせください
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